Monday, June 7, 2010


Hey Kel!

I had a pretty good weekend, eating-wise. On Saturday I went out to lunch with my friend at Cheeseburger in Paradise and I got the island quesadilla with sweet potato chips- I didn't really calculate the point on it, but I'm guessing it was around 15 points for the meal. I wound up not eating anything the rest of the day, but that night I had a couple of bites of a chocolate chip cookie cake- (Chris and I went to the orchestra and stopped at Naked Chocolate before-hand... a tradition on our night out.)

Yesterday I went to a BBQ at Chris's boss' house and he made steak. I had two small pieces and some rice salad that he made. I also ate some garlic bread toasts and some dip I made with reduced fat sour cream. Last night when I got home I was starving so I had a light english muffin with some peanut butter. (I don't know whether you have ever tried the Better than Peanut Butter, but it's GROSS! I would rather use the points on real peanut butter.)

I cancelled my subscription to Weight Watchers online because I feel as though I'm not using it enough for the $15 a month. I'm going to go to the gym tonight when I get home and tomorrow I have Zumba, followed by Circuit Training and Line Dancing on Wednesday. I agree with the weigh-training. That's where I really start to look good. I need to lift more weights- and start running. I've decided I am going to run a 5 K this September, so I'm going to train for that-

I didn't see Jillian's new show- but now I'm dying too! I will check on Demand and then watch it this week so I'm all caught up. Are you coming out here at all this summer? I would love to see you and maybe we could take some classes together at my gym if you and Kelley want to come stay with me!
PS- have you told Kelley we're doing this together? I'm afraid she might think I'm trying to steal you or something, (sound familiar?)

Here's to a good week!

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